Tuesday, 19 March 2013


1. 你有吃早餐的習慣?
有、2 沒有、3

2. 你養過寵物?
有、7 沒有、3

3. 你有工作經驗?
有、7 沒有、4

4. 你有好的運動細胞?
有、8 沒有、5

5. 你現在正在減肥?
是、9 不是、6

6. 你認為看電影一定要吃零食?
是、9 不是、10

7. 你覺得地球上出現過外星人?
有、8 沒有、11

8. 你曾有過很多戀情?
是、12 不是、9

9. 你很少看漫畫書?
是、13 不是、10

10. 你到KTV就會唱個不停?
是、13 不是、14

11. 你喜歡吃三明治?
喜歡、14 不喜歡、12

12. 你會自創不同的菜式?
會、15 不會、13

13. 你很會畫插畫?
是、A型 不是、B型

14. 你喜歡格子圖案?
喜歡、C型 不喜歡、D型

15. 你很想出國上學?
是、E型 不是、F型


A型的人 不管是熟人還是陌生人,你都會主動與對方交談,你給人 的感覺很活潑也很大方且並不唐突,所以你並不惹人討 厭,你給人的第一個印像不錯,你的思維過於活躍,所以 身邊總是很多朋友,但知心的並沒有幾個,你太貪玩,表 面看似和誰都能相約吃飯,逛街,做一些親密的事,這樣 會讓你真正的好朋友懷疑到底與你之間的友誼是哪種,對 方可能不能確定與你要好的程度,而如果對方又是不喜歡 表達的人,這種情緒會越積越多,到最後不可負荷時,爆 發出來,可能受傷的反而是你。所以注意一下自己的表 現,你應該對不管是友情還是其他感情,都有鮮明的態 度,這樣才不會有不必要的誤會和遺憾。如果覺得準,記 得轉帖出去喔=)

B型的人 有你在的地方一定有歡笑,你善良,調皮,任性,霸道與 貼心。你看起來活潑好動,但實際內心深處,你有些自卑 而自負,你希望自己能把事情做到最好,你很在乎別人對 你的評價,你的性格像小孩,單純直接,情緒化,喜怒哀 樂寫在臉上,你沒有機心,但也缺少些自我保護的能力, 你表面看來很容易相處,但想要走進你的內心世界其實並 不容易,你需要人家的鼓勵,包容,寵愛和肯定,其實你 也常常自我反省,你希望自己能做到起碼有80%的完美, 但你似乎沒那個毅力,所以你的情緒變化無常,一定是被 這些因素困擾的。如果覺得準,記得轉帖出去喔=)

C型的人 你是擇善固執的堅持派,有人與你聊天,你可以天馬星空 的聊,但你不會主動找對方聊天。你很有原則也很被 ,你 總是習慣呆在自己的世界裡,你在朋友的眼裡是比較難深 交的人,大家感覺你和人交往,總是點到為止,你心裡的 那片天地不對外開放,也很保護自己的私隱。如果覺得 準,記得轉帖出去喔=)

D型的 人 你是積極努力認真派,你對自己要求很高,但一旦遇到和 你脾氣相似的人,你們就很有惺惺相惜的感覺,因而相談 甚歡。你雖然表面看起來有些嚴肅,但是其實你單純善良 ,你的想法總是積極的,你有很強的自我調節能力,所以 即使你遇到苦難,也能很好的處理,你在朋友是最乖的朋 友,因為當你真心喜歡一個人的時候,你的貼心和用心會 不自然的流露出來,你個朋友的關係看似平淡,但其實雙 方心裡的掛念,彼此都知道。如果覺得準,記得轉帖出去 喔=)

E型的人 你開朗沒心機,你對朋友很大方,也很周到你很捨得在朋 友身上花錢,你看起來漫不經心,實際上你做事很有條 理。一旦你要做,就會做得很快,可是往往你懶於去做, 你很喜歡說話,你喜歡與別人交流意見,尤其是自己了解 的事,你比較好強,可是那種好強並沒給他人帶來困擾。 如果覺得準,記得轉帖出去喔=)

F型的 人 你的廢話不多,你喜歡觀察,不管是人還是事物,你的心 思慎密,眼光獨到,你總能看出別人看不出的細節,你做 事很有計劃,這讓朋友和你相處起來十分安心,因為你不 僅把自己處理得很穩妥,空閒時,還能幫朋友做一些小 事,你能掌握別人的想法,你的觀點總是比較有建材,也 很特別,你很理智和現實,你不喜歡天馬行空的亂想,你 覺得那樣沒意義。

Monday, 18 March 2013

i love this movie so much - Jack the Giant Slayer

Jack the Giant Slayer
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnifz6jBysYT1LoIA1qCN5w0wy7vE_BoPqPOABaswR0SlmY_gM http://themovieblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/jack-the-giant-slayer-banner-poster1.jpg

In the Kingdom of Cloister, Jack, a young farm boy, is fascinated by the legend of Erik, an ancient king who defeated an army of invading giants from a realm in the sky by controlling them with a magical crown. At the same time, Princess Isabelle becomes fascinated with the same legend.
http://web.orange.co.uk/images/ice/film/jack_the_giant_slayer_da95116e63b2d4c5297f69a19f8ecd82.jpg10 years later, Jack goes into town to sell his horse to support his uncle's farm.
There, Jack spots Isabelle and develops a crush on her, after defending her honor from a group of thugs. Meanwhile, Lord Roderick returns to his study, only to find that a monk has robbed him. The monk offers Jack some magic beans he stole from Roderick as collateral for Jack's horse.
Back at the castle, Isabelle quarrels with her father, King Brahmwell, as she wants to explore the kingdom, but he wants her to stay and marry Roderick. Likewise, Jack's uncle scolds him for being foolish before throwing the beans on the floor and leaving the house.
http://filmreviewonline.com/wp-content/gallery/jack-the-giant-slayer/jack-the-giant-slayer-023.jpgDetermined to be free, Isabelle sneaks out of the castle and seeks shelter from the rain in Jack's house. As it rains, one of the beans takes root and grows into a massive beanstalk that carries the house and Isabelle into the sky as Jack falls to the ground.
Jack, Roderick, and Roderick's attendant, Wicke, volunteer to join the king's knights, led by Elmont and his second in-command, Crawe, and climb the beanstalk in search of Isabelle.
http://static.indianexpress.com/m-images/Fri%20Mar%2001%202013,%2017:43%20hrs/M_Id_361978_Jack_The_Giant_Slayer.jpg               http://www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/images/desktops/movie/jack-the-giant-slayer08.jpg
 As they climb, Roderick and Wicke cut the safety rope, intentionally killing some of the knights. At the top, they discover the giants' realm and decide to split into two groups; one with Jack, Elmont, and Crawe, and the other including Roderick and Wicke, but not before Roderick forcibly takes the remaining beans from Jack (although Jack manages to save one for himself).
Jack's group is trapped by a giant, who takes everyone prisoner except Jack. Meanwhile, Roderick's group encounters two other giants; one eats Wicke, but before they can do the same to Roderick, Roderick dons the magic crown.

http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/files/2013/02/Jack-the-Giant-Slayer-image-3.jpgJack follows the giant to their stronghold, where the two-headed giant leader, Fallon, has killed Crawe. There, Jack finds the imprisoned Isabelle and Elmont. As the giants prepare to kill their remaining prisoners, Roderick walks in and enslaves the giants with the crown. He tells the giants they will attack Cloister at dawn and allows them to eat Isabelle and Elmont.
Jack rescues Isabelle and Elmont as one of the giants prepares to cook Elmont as a pig-in-a-blanket. The trio makes for the beanstalk, where Jack causes the giant guarding the beanstalk to fall off the realm's edge.               
  Seeing the giant's body, Brahmwell orders the beanstalk cut down to avoid an invasion by the giants.
Jack and Isabelle head down the beanstalk, while Elmont stays to confront Roderick. http://www.flicksandbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ewan-mcgregor-jack-the-giant-slayer.jpgElmont kills Roderick, but Fallon takes the crown before Elmont can claim it, and Elmont is forced to escape down the beanstalk. Jack, Isabelle, and Elmont all survive the fall after the beanstalk is cut down. As everyone returns home, Jack warns that the giants are using Roderick's beans to create beanstalks to descend down to Earth and attack Cloister.

http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/screencrush.com/files/2012/11/Jack-the-Giant-Slayer.pnghttp://cdn1.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Jack-the-Giant-Slayer-Ewan-McGregor-Elmont.jpgThe giants chase Jack, Isabelle, and Brahmwell into the castle, where Elmont fills the moat with oil and sets it on fire. Fallon falls in the moat and breaks into the castle from below. As the siege continues, Fallon captures Jack and Isabelle, but Jack throws the final bean down Fallon's throat, causing a beanstalk to rip apart his  body.Jack takes the crown and sends the giants back to their realm.
Jack and Isabelle marry and tell the story of the giants to their children. As time passes, the magic crown is crafted into St Edward's Crown and is secured in the Tower of London.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

















Tuesday, 12 March 2013

A man escapes from a prison where he’s been locked up for 15 years

A man escapes from a prison where he’s been locked up for 15 years 

He breaks into a house and inside, he finds a young couple in bed.
He ties him to a chair. While tying the wife to the bed, the convict gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.

While he’s in there, the husband whispers over to his wife,
“Listen, this guy is an escaped convict. Look at his clothes! He’s probably spent a lot of time in jail and hasn’t seen a woman in years.
I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don’t resist, don’t complain. Do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is obviously very dangerous. If he gets angry, he’ll kill us both. Be strong, honey. I love you!”

She responds: “He wasn’t kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me that he’s gay, thinks you’re cute, and asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you, too.”

Monday, 11 March 2013


1. 在人多场合的时候,跟他不要抬杠,即使他真的说错了,男人是要面子的
2. 睡着以后不要叫醒他,尽管是问他冷不冷,惊醒后他很难再睡
3. 有时要学会沉默
4. 在众人面前要收起我的本性,要安分,即使真的不自在
5. 不要反复一个问题,即使是他的错
6. 说话要有依据,不该开的玩笑不开,他很认真
7. 对于他过去所做的不管对错不要再提,因为那只能代表过去
8. 他生气时不要问他为什么生气,不要说别生气要自己去体会生气的原因,下次注意
9. 要多关心他,即使他不是很关心你,男人有时很粗心
10. 要多包容他,原谅他,即使有些事他不是很迁就你,感情的事必须有一方包容
11. 不要抠字眼
12. 说话、做事要反复考虑,要站在他的角度思考问题
13. 不管别人谁说的话都要相信他
14. 不要勉强他给你打电话,不管多着急,那只是在瞎着急
15. 他喜欢干一件事就让他干,别阻拦他
16. 别抱怨他对你现在不如过去,就算事实如此,其实他还是很爱你
17. 要知足,不管是他很大的牺牲还是很小的努力
18. 只要付出,不计较回报
19. 他与别人有争议时,不管对错永远站在他这边
20. 有些事如果他不说也别固执的问,他自己去体会他的意思
21. 不要赌气,要理智的解决问题
22. 别勉强他去说好听的话或勉强他做任何事来弥补你的虚荣心,虽然人都虚荣,但对他要坦诚
23. 在他跟别人打架的时候,别让他担心,事后好好安慰他帮他压火,不要自做主张替他出气
24. 跟他学会在现实的世界生活
25. 不要犯同一个错误,再一再二不再三
26. 别要求他浪漫,对他来说浪漫这是一种虚伪的形式
27. 别要求他像别人的男朋友一样呵护自己、宠自己,他就是他
28. 如果他在路上看别的女生或夸别的女生,也不要生气他只是在开玩笑
29. 不要限制他的自由
30. 少唠叨
31. 眼泪要流的珍贵,学会忍,学会压抑自己的感情
32. 不要把一切都表现在脸上
33. 如果他误会你也不要怪他,不要埋怨他,因为他的出发点是为你
34. 不要在日记里写他的缺点,不要写吵架的事,即使这是你的发泄方式
35. 如果两个人吵架你走了,他不去找你,等你平静下来就回去找他,爱情没有该不该,不分男女不分角色,爱他就不该在乎这些
36. 不要欺骗他,哪怕是善意的是为了他
37. 他有时说话会伤你的心,别怪他,他只是在说气话,因为他在乎你
38. 即使千篇一律,也别让他模仿,他有他自己的爱情观,不要拿他跟别人的男朋友比,就算真的有差距。他是你的男朋友,就永远觉得他最
39. 如果他真的决定干一件事不要阻拦他,只要支持或陪着他
40. 如果他看不惯你的穿着或发型,不要说“喜欢一个人就该喜欢她的一切”不要埋怨,人与人的观点不一样
41. 偶尔冲你发火也不要生气,人都有脾气
42. 自己能干的事自己尽量干,他是你的男朋友,不是你的奴隶
43. 如果定好点就不要迟到,要守信,他讨厌等人;如果他迟到先不要发火,多体谅他,也许他有事
44. 别冲他撒娇,尽管每个女生都需要,对他来说是一种虚伪
45. 不要大惊小怪
46. 别要求他太多,不管他做了多大或多小的事要知道他为此付出的代价
47. 他有他的交际圈,不要干涉
48. 如果说悄悄话就是悄悄话,声音不要太大
49. 上网或平时,他有想做的事就让他做,别让他一直陪你
50. 要知道什么时候管什么时候迁就
51. 看到别人的男朋友从家里给她们从家里带东西不要嫉妒,因为他的感情是不能用金钱和物质来衡量的
52. 如果他忽略了你的感受没必要埋怨他,他真的不是故意的
53. 如果有委屈,要学会忍,也许他受到的委屈比你多很多
54. 如果压力大,要学会自己承受,其实他承受的压力更大
55. 讨厌别人做的自己也别做
56. 别在路上指来指去,他看不惯
57. 他偶尔的冲动或错误也别往心里去,给别人一次机会就是给自己一次机会。人的一些缺点是与生俱来的不是一朝一夕能改的,给他点时间
58. 说话尽量不跑题,与话题无关的先不说,做事要一心一意
59. 永远觉得他最好。比别人好,就算真的不如别人,爱他就要对他有信

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Sometimes it's very hard to move on...

Sometimes it's very hard to move on,  but when you move on, you'll realize that it is the best decision you have ever made...

Monday, 4 March 2013

